currently writing:




a book dedicated to breaking humanity free from the manipulation matrix.

& creating a new paradigm of unity consciousness through remembrance.

remembering who you are.

Your consciousness is a drop within and of a grand sea of cosmic photonic light. It pulses in oceanic sound waves, spiraling inwards and outwards, expanding and contracting, floating within an evolving mass of frequency.

Watch the wind move mountains and the rivers carve stone. Witness the galaxies burst and the stars grow cold just to be reborn again. You are moving with these cycles and these seasons. You are a unique fractal of an ever changing and ever evolving connectedness. You flashed into this plane of physical existence through the great cosmic womb, and you will return to the seas from which you came. What you do matters enormously, in all realms of existence. How you think about the world, how you perceive our collective experience, contributes to the holographic reality we interact with in this dimension of space and time.

You are powerful beyond measure. Look nowhere but within to remember.

The hard and real truths are meant to be simple. There is nothing outside of you that will bring you peace if you lack the ability to cultivate it internally. Dare to follow the path of curiosity; gather the mental fortitude; drill into and tap whatever willpower you might have to do the howling introspective work on your emotional, mental, and ego-driven barriers. Why? Because it’s so easy not to! The choice to discover your truth is the choice of your life. Will you reject these paths of programmed mental resistance, will you confront the deep tension in your heart, will you cruise on autopilot on the deeply ingrained highways of your mind — OR — will you interrupt them?

Choose to interrupt them.

Create from here. Not from fear.

“The most powerful and radical ownership we can reconcile with is the acceptance that we are co-creators of our reality. This is a monumentally difficult belief for the mind to accept, because it takes power away from the ego. The Ego is in constant battle to remain in control: to remain in the story that it has been taught from the moment we’re born. How many different thousands of realties have we lived through in our minds to never see the physical reflect them? Most people walk through this reality for their entire lives and only ever interact with their mind: their mind’s filters, preconceived assumptions and associations, and never actually transcend the mind’s narration. This results in an entire species of beings experiencing the small, limitless and finite realities our egos are comfortable with us living in. Ask yourself - if I am not my stories - then who am I? The Ego is not willing to toggle with that game of Russian Roulette. It does not have the capacity to contemplate that it might not exist at all - if only on the highways of firing neurons. The heart - the seat of the soul in our physical vessels, is the limitless portal we are gifted to break free through and interact with the limitless existence that is within and all around us.”

a note to those seeking healing

You are seeking yourself. 

You are seeking the healer within. The true healer will never allow the ego to think it is the Self doing the healing. The healer is simply the master at creating a sacred energetic space for you to go beyond your mind and sink deep into your heart where your own healer awaits you.

It is in the torus field generator of the heart where you transcend mental energy and old programs so that you alone can dive into your internal and eternal divinity. here, all that you seek is already available to you.

At this beautiful juncture in our human evolution, there are many souls coming back to this ultimate truth: the medicine is within.

Remember as you continue your journey - no healer, no outside source is ever doing the healing nor will ever have the true salve your vessel craves. It is your heart’s sacred blossoming that will reveal this to you. you alone must walk the path. you alone must experience the the embodiment of this truth:

The love you crave has always been your own.